April 19, 2007

hello, i'm the apple farmer. would you like some cider?

so i was just sitting here at work with my ipod on shuffle. and there was exactly 30 minutes left of work and what comes on but an archived HEAD TO HEAD episode!?! the "never again" episode! a perfect ending to a fairly regular day of work!

here are some things i (re)learned from that episode:

-the idea for "never again" was spawned because the space center is open longer than the main library on fridays!

-"never again" started at 1:06pm with a dance party at the Tate plaza.

- the dance party went until 3pm and then everyone relaxed.

- the bonfire started at 7:30pm at the dial america parking lot.

- the mascot of cairo high school (cairo, ga) is the syrupmakers.

- widespread panic has a key to the city of athens.

- the hot tub happened after the "never again" finale.

- "WUOG is the best station in the whole wide universe."

- the rubber capitol of the united states is akron, ohio.

- three words that end in g-r-y are hungry, angry, and flogry!


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