mom knows wellness
my neglect of this blog is symbolic of what's been going on in my life this month. i've had very little down time, at work and at home, to rest my workspeak/smalltalk/socializing muscles and let other ponderings swim about. on the schedule for july was: attending three out-of-town weddings, throwing a baby shower at my apartment, visits from several good friends, and a trip to austin (actually, we leave tomorrow!), not to mention some hard-hitting cases at work. to top it all off, s and i did a couple weeks of furious apartment hunting after deciding that we want to move in september to another, cheaper, apartment where we will bide our time for our BIG move next year. so what once looked like a fun, full july became a tangled nest of obligations. "obligations" isn't quite the word for it. but i do think that there is such a thing as too much fun and i've had it.
also throughout this month, i've been reading a book about wellness. my mom sent a copy to me, as well as to all my siblings - i usually accept such mom propaganda with a playful roll of the eyes and a sigh. and i did. and the book is pretty ridiculous -self-help spirituality stuff combined with a preachy "it is so absolutely cruel and heinous to eat animals" vibe. however, i've been "reading" it before bed (i wouldn't be caught dead with it on the metro- i'm not even going to tell you the name of the book!) and, honestly, it's brought me peace, kind of like how going to church brings me peace. reading about spirituality and healing and wellness, cheesy as it sounds, helped me put my crazy out of control july into focus, at least enough for me to go to sleep and wake up with a good attitude. sometimes moms just know what their kids need, you know?
so goodbye to july and hello to the next three weeks of NO PLANS!